Philosopher Lao Tzu said that at the centre of our being, we all have the answer. Wise words from centuries ago, yet still pertinent for life today in the chaos and noise of the external world and often-times busy lives.
We have the ability to filter our experience through positivity, optimism and hope and at the same time we can see the myriad of current tragedies occurring in our external world and feel a sense of sadness, a sense that we might not have the answers or the capacity to carry the weight of the world, of our shared humanity.
Through a sense of sadness can come a feeling of helplessness that we alone cannot do enough or make an impact. We CAN act in whatever ways we are able to with the resources we have to help to heal our global community and in doing so find some healing within ourselves. It would be fair to say that we as individuals with our shared humanity could do with some extra TLC – I know that we can all offer and express that TLC in our own unique way.
In the famous words from Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi, “There is a disturbance in the force”. A prescient mimesis for it’s time.
In speaking to these times of upheaval, uncertainty and instability, after a morning meditation, I ask myself – “How can I be of benefit today?” What question would you ask of yourself?
Silence isn’t empty It’s full of answers. – unknown
For me, in addition to a professional session helping a client, being of benefit can manifest in a Read more…