We have said goodbye to the first quarter of 2016 and the second quarter seems to be moving at an all too rapid pace. We are experiencing a change of season – a time to change the diet and eat foods that are in for this season and dust off the winter woollies or get your beach Mojo on if you are in the northern hemisphere.
The end of quarter is a resourceful time to check in with your personal and professional progress for the year. How are those New Year Resolutions going? The change of season is also a time for transformation, to create space for new opportunities, enhance your health, business, and environment, get in touch with your inner world and listen to the wisdom that can guide you forward.
Now would be a good time to check in with your goals for 2016 and check up on their progress, make sure you are still on track to achieving what’s important to you and look at how you future is unfolding. Let’s call it a “Goal Audit.”
Your Goal Audit – 5 key questions to ask about each goal
#1 Do I still want/need to achieve this goal?
#2 Do I currently believe that this goal is achievable? No matter how important it is to you and how much you want it, your belief about the goal will influence your actions and result.
#3 Are there any additional resources, tangible or intangible that I need to achieve this goal? i.e. time, money, information, skill or professional help.
#4 Are my words, deeds and actions in alignment with achieving this goal?
#5 What further action do I need to take to enhance the success of this goal?
Depending on your answers to these questions, you might need to go deeper and wider with your audit.
5 tips to enhance your audit and goal getting
- If the goal is no longer of importance to you, don’t spend any more resources on it – let it go.
- Go within and check your inner game – any unresourceful patterns in thinking, behavior or emotion that slow down or stop your progress will need attention and transformation
- Cultivate a resource-orientated mindset – you can tap into the abundance of resources, tangible and intangible.
- Check that your words, deeds and actions enhance and affirm the success of your goal. Let go of thoughts and things and the naysayers that do not serve your outcome
- Be mindful that it is a goal and not a wish so you need to take action. Consistent baby steps will take you further than inconsistent, big and unsustainable steps.
Done and dusted – My end of quarter Goal Audit and I’m still being mindful of changes within or on the outer that may influence my goals down the track – remain mindful. From my audit some goals have been realized, some have gone and some tweaked a little.
Here’s 5 of numerous bonuses that manifested due to my goal audit
- Gave myself a health check up by way of an exercise and eating plan audit
- Increased my daily meditation practice including the compassion practices I do for others. Let’s face it, in today’s world humanity, our fellow creatures and the planet need all the help they can get
- Let go of some no longer needed stuff – tangible and intangible; things and thoughts
- Ruthlessly went through my inbox and unsubscribed from a plethora of emails/newsletters (please do unsubscribe from Blissful Way if the content or being in the community does not enrich your business or life)
- Transformed my office – it took days and much disbelief at the piles of paper I was able to shred and discard considering I prefer a more Zen like space
Go to it goal getter – dedicate some time to check in and check up on your life and business and enjoy the positive transformations that can unfold….
When was the last time you did a “Goal Audit?” Need help – let’s talk.
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